This is a gripping Bollywood drama-thriller directed by Ranjan Chandel, with the presence of Vikrant Massey, Raashi Khanna, and Ridhi Dogra in key roles. The film pays attention to the tragic and gruesome occurrences of the burning of the Sabarmati Express on February 27, 2002, at Godhra, Gujarat that shook the entire nation with communal unrest and has always been written into Indian history.
Plot Summary
The film Sabarmati Report discusses the tragic event in which 59 pilgrims and karsevaks were burnt alive inside a train by a fire allegedly ignited by a mob. Through its screening of this tragic incident, The Sabarmati Report not only narrates the tragedy but also digresses into the ‘resilience, emotions, and ripples of such a disaster into human lives and society.
Cast and Production
Starring in this excellent ensemble:
- Vikrant Massey is at the core, playing a role thoroughly interwoven with the emotional and investigation levels of the narrative.
- Raashi Khanna and Ridhi Dogra provide gripping performances to crucial parts of the movie.
Produced under Ekta Kapoor Studios, the film has been noted for its rigor in basing historical facts as it constructs narratives towards humanity and unity.
Release and Reception
Initially scheduled for earlier dates, it was rescheduled and finally released in cinemas on November 15, 2024. Though the official box office earnings and detailed reviews are yet to come out, this movie already builds sufficient hype for the sensitive narration of the real occurrence event.
Why Watch?
The Sabarmati Report promises a roller-coaster drama with outstanding performances and a reflective take on one of the most important events in modern India. It is a cinematic as well as an emotional journey exploring the connotations of courage and human endurance under adversity.
Do not miss detailed reviews and box office performances through the coming weeks.
(Sabarmati Report, Sabarmati Report)